No Turning Back

Looks like we can't turn back now.

L and I made the big step and purchased our rides to and from Washington and Oregon. Our original plan for our roadtrip has totally been mutated. We will no longer be driving up. It's too much driving and although having a car of our own on the trip would have been great, we can learn to use our charm to convince people to take us places or use public transportation and act like the locals.

L and I will be getting on the Amtrak Coast Starlight train and training our way to Seattle, Washington. I'm very excited about this train ride. It's basically a 1.5 day ride from CA to WA. Sounds horrible right? Not really. We drive through the coast of California, Oregon, and Washington. I'm very excited about training our way through Oregon. I love trees and hopefully I can take a lot of pictures of the Douglas Fir trees in Oregon. Here's one picture of Douglas Fir that I took on a family trip to Seattle & Vancouver in 2003.

somewhere in Oregon

We really don't have any accommodations set in Seattle (OOPS). L and I are having a budget-friendly trip by not spending a single dime on lodging. We will have to call our aunt to ask if we can sleep over and I will have to ask my aunt too. Heck, I guess if we don't have any place to stay in Seattle, we will have to cut our Washington trip short and make our way down to Portland.

From Seattle, we will take the Amtrak to PDX where we will meet up with M who would have flown in by herself from LA. Then M, L, and me (C) will somehow (PT?) get to Colleen's, my cousin's friend.

Then some time later, L and I will leave on a 7 AM flight from PDX to LGB. How we will get home, nobody knows. But not knowing will make it fun and exciting. I already feel like a gypsy. I'm trying to be more open. The old me wouldn't have gone on a trip with L to random states and stay with random people (random to me) or visit an aunt we both haven't seen in about 9 years. I'm trying to loosen up and be more open to being more spontaneous, weird, outgoing, unplanned, I don't know the word..

So that's our new plane. Ixnay on the rental car. Yes on the beautiful train ride & plane ride (somebody get me xanax please). I hope I survive.

*I didn't include any dates & times of our departure and arrival just in cause a loony finds this and reads it and decides to stalk & murder us. Paranoid much....*

1 comment:

  1. LOL like my condensed version of this? Good thinking on the crazies. I fully agree. WoohOooo!!! We're On like donkey kong!
