Leftover Pictures from Seattle

Here are some leftover pictures from Seattle. Let me warn you I'm not a photographer nor do I pretend to be one. Lots of pictures are blurry because I'm probably shaking from anxiety.

Lake Union, country's most populous location for houseboats

MISSION: find the Sleepless in Seattle house
NOTE: I don't know the answer

known to locals as "Kite Park"

Yep, we travel in style

us uncultured Californians were unsure if these drainage pipes were for art- or functioning- purposes.

the other, other view from our Seattle place

one of these ride the ducks carboat passes my aunt's every 30 minutes.

Safeco Field where Ichiro plays

Public Art #353 in Safeco Stadium/Field/Park?

some place in downtown Seattle

the original Nordstrom. did you know the guy who started Nordstrom was one of the few people who found gold and actually became successful?

the very cryptic merry-go-round in Seattle Center

ok ok, stop flattering me. this picture is quite magical. I mean the way I captured Seattle in one picture with the unconventional angle.. I know I'm a genius.


  1. So magical right.

    Hey your pictures look better on the blog than on your camera. I love Ride the Duck. I'm going to take it in every city I visit that has them and next time I'm getting a quacker.

  2. oh thanks. another one of your negs. it's because with the little knowledge of photoshop i do have, i intensify the darkness of the colors. i am smart.

  3. L is so good at negs they are naturally a part of her everyday conversation. This player was born, not made.

    I really like these pics, especially the ferris wheel at night.
