C's Take On The Unfortunate Accident

I like to look out the window whenever I'm a passenger in the car, I'm sort of like a puppy with his face stuck to the window smiling ear to ear. So let's say I saw the truck coming towards us and by the time I realized it was going to hit us, it had already happened.

Everyone gets a grill on the car picture for their perspective post, so here's mine.

I don't know if I screamed or not. I have a tendency to make a high pitch noise when I'm in an accident bc I'm crazy like that. Hell, from my memory I don't remember anyone yelling or screaming anything. All I remember is L or CD asking "Is everyone OK?" And everything was not OK. My grande iced nonfat green tea latte had imploded in its cup holder and spilled all over my jeans, trickled onto my white v-neck tee and totally drenched my grey cardigan. And yes, the first thing that came out of my mouth was "I'm all sticky & wet" to L. Which isn't saying I took the event lightly but put me in a weird situation, and I become complete confused and forget how to re(act). Hell the first thing words out of my mouth should have been "M!!! ARE YOU OK? ARE YOU ALIVE? ARE YOU BLEEDING?" but it wasn't. Can't take back the past. Only learn from it.

some parts of the safety glass that did not explode onto M

Side story, another time I was in a huge accident, I sat in my seat for a good 3 minutes looking for a paper towel on the floor bc my train tracks (braces) had cut my lips while my friend was stuck in the back fearing for her life bc she thought the car was going to explode. I didn't realize that she was stuck and that the only way for her to get out was through my front door... Oh and let me paint a picture, the entire scene was brown & red from dirt & smoke and it smelled like death. Soon after while everyone is going crazy and worrying, I pull out a banana from my purse and start eating it nonchalantly. I was asked several times by friends & cops where I got that banana (fyi, I stole it from the dining hall earlier that day). See my reactions in a bad bad situation is not what you expect..

But eventually I learned that no one was badly injured except for the car.

The insane part of this accident (aside from the grill being stuck onto CD's car) was the players involved. Get in an accident in LA, and most likely you'll be all on your own with no one to help you. 85% of the people around you in an LA accident will not be able to speak a lick of English and the cops, they're even worse. They will yell at you to pull onto some obscure road to not block traffic while you're crying and bleeding.

The suspect (aka man who hit us), to my knowledge, seemed sincerely concerned with us. I'm pretty sure at first sight he probably thought CD, a white gentleman, and his white ladyfriend, M, were giving 2 visiting Japanese girls, C & L, a tour of Portland.

Then there's the sly as a fox lady who secretly took pictures of the accident then handed me a note with her name, #, date & time of the accident and whispered "I saw everything. If you guys need a witness, call me."

Then there's the son (aka suspect's son aka auto insurance agent or some sort). He got CD a claim # within 10 minutes of the accident and told us he'd take care everything for us since it's obvious his suspect dad almost killed us.

L calls this picture "Hero's Shoes." Note all that glass on the concrete...

And finally there were the 2 Portland cops. Just like their Seattle counterparts, these cops were lean and healthy but they were driving not biking. They didn't yell at us to get off the road. They seemed to be caring humans wearing uniform unlike LA cops who are are very self-righteous and have sticks wayyy up their ass.

The nice Portland cops

This gave M, L, and me the idea that Portland people are just nice overall. Were we just lucky in getting t-boned by the most considerate citizens of Portland or are all Portlandians like this?

How was I feeling at this time? I don't know. I was sad, worried, felt bad, worried, sad, sad, felt bad, worried, felt bad, and sad. How could this have happened? I mean, duh, the suspect ran a red light and t-boned us, but what the chances of this happening. Sigh. My main worries were M and the tiny glasses imbedded into her skin and how this would affect CD's daily life (you know having his car out of service for awhile, emotions that come with being in a car accident, money-insurance issues, the usuals).

Before the whole trip I was so paranoid about inconveniencing him and here we were faced with the biggest inconvenience.

Well I can say that CD was a trooper and decided that he can drive and go on with our plans for the day. That's strongwilled right there. If it was me in his shoes, I would have been scared shitless to drive 1 hour after being t-boned.

Life went on and I can honestly say that the accident was not constantly playing in my mind. I'd like to say it was the same for L, M, & CD. We had some fun conversation about magic, played a fun game called "Connection," and tried to revive a jerryfish. In all, we wished to create a memory and we did, good & bad.

I hope this accident isn't inconveniencing his life now that we're out of Oregon..


  1. I fee like such a jackass because this was literally what my thoughts were during this debacle:

    1) "Wow I'm not hurt, I feel no pain"
    2) "Man these guys are lucky I'm not hurt, especially that guy *looking at other driver*
    3) "I hope we still get peach cobbler later"

  2. Ugh, I still don't like to think about it. E was so shocked I think a little piece of her heart broke in Shanghai.

    I'm feeling remnants of guilt since CD's gone mia.

  3. AHAHAHHA. M that's fine, you were the injured victim.

    And I had to think long and hard before realizing who E was. I should have just read "Shanghai" on the bottom. What happened to CD?

    It's hot.
