Day #3: And Life Goes On

Has anyone who was NOT on this trip noticed how many activities we've been able to complete in such a short amount of time?? Is this question a futile shot in the dark since our key readers are basically ourselves + Lil J?

Saturday began in a much more subdued manner than Friday. C did NOT set out to turn L into a grumbly cannon of "Fuck you's" and I, L, very somberly made my way to CD's room so we could go pick up his rental car together.

Side note: I'm really glad CD and I were in the dorms together or I'd feel like a total lech creeping into his room in the wee hours of the morn; especially since he likes to sleep in his underwear...a fact I realized when I jumped onto his bed the previous morn.

While CD and I went to get his rental, M & C prepared our first meal of the day. They very creatively, it was probably M's idea, grated delicious garlic pepper cheddar cheese into the scrambled eggs and C in a moment of clarity, prepared a beautiful center piece that consisted of pink and white animal crackers in a small glass bowl for all to enjoy. The center piece is hands down, C's crowning moment. It was almost as good as having her masturbate my throat. (Note the incest I promised on Kimchiraw.)

our awesome centerpiece, place setting, and appetizer

CD took us to the Saturday Market that begins under the Burnside bridge and we commenced to walk through all the aisles oohing and ahhing in front of all the soap booths and touching the things that don't break. We almost bought clay whistles shaped like animals but in the end, looked at everything and bought nothing. Much like how we do in the city of Los Angeles.

Public art #401 or more like a very artistic advertisement

Public art #402; water is constantly sprouting from these amazing fountains

There was one booth that had The Game of Real Life that sketched out real life scenarios such as abortion (game over), mid-life crisis, menopause, drugs and more. I want it.

the real game of life. hilarious! the first block after "start" reads "ABORTED, GAME OVER"

After Saturday Market we went to POWELL'S CITY OF BOOKS, only THE MOST WONDERFUL place on the entire West Coast. There were rooms named after colors and each room had different genres. I want to live there I want to live there I want to live there. Lil J, if your mom ever calls you because I've run away, you'll find me in POWELL'S CITY OF BOOKS!!!!
Tiny picture of Powell's taken off their website. LOL

We split up into different rooms since we each had our own maps (yep, they give you maps) and stayed put for a couple hours. To hear C tell it you'd think she found me lying prostrate in front of the Twilight saga but I was really reading Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist in the Rose Room.

Then we grabbed some pizza, went to a tattoo parlor to look for 18 gauge barbells for me & M, didn't find any but watched CD get his ears stretched (eek!) before heading back to the den for some R&R.

Back at the bear's den, CD's friend V came over and we played ice breakers which consisted of all of us going around sharing 2 falsies about CD and 1 truth. The consensus was that we all discovered a few golden facts about CD that neither party had known prior to that moment. :)

CD whipped up chicken and salmon picatta with a recipe provided by C by while his friend V sat around playing Connection with the rest of us.

The night ended with us walking over to a local bar called, The Good Foot. It's a nice sized room with rotating local art as the decor. They have a jukebox (is that what those music players are called?) with a good selection and decent beers on tap. With all the good brews in Portland, why do people drink PBR? Even I know better than to inhale that mess and I'm no beer snob. Whatever.

CD's sister, we'll call her Lil L, joined us at the Good Foot for some pool and drink. C & I were amazed at what a good brother CD is. He's so nice and sweet it makes me sick. Now I don't know if it was the beer, the lack of sleep or the hormones women are inconvenienced with until the sweet glory of menopause but Lil L shared a little information I found really disturbing. Apparently CD had a fan club when he was on his high school swim team and Lil L's co-workers think he's hot hot hot. WTF right? That's when jealousy reared its ugly head and I saw the little slut for what he really is. A WHORE! MAN WHORE! My image of sweet little CD, defiled by the knowledge that he was strutting himself around the playground in nothing but his spandex knickers when he was barely legal. It's enough to make your stomach curl. I don't care how old we are, I like to think of CD as a sweet innocent boy waiting for me to come play. Anyhow, we walked Lil L home and returned for a night of slumber where me & M lay yin and yang across the papazao.

The End of the 3rd day in Portland


  1. Golden Fact about CD: He made scale models of his furniture and mapped out where he was going to place everything in the apt before he moved in.

    Is anyone else as amused/amazed by this as I am? Maybe because I'm such a half-asses slob and I don't expect boys to do stuff like that...

    And I didn't realize we were still eating picatta so much as well-lemoned meat. That's not a complaint, but it is taking issue with the terminology used to describe the dish.

  2. I was trying to be nice. DUH.

    uhm...we were all amused by that golden fact but my all time favorite moment will be the lip skin you both ate for uncalled friend test! WOO WOO!

  3. Hey does anyone else see that amazing french braid?

  4. I can't believe the french braid has not come up sooner!! The one in the photo looks like the modified version. Maybe we need to think about re-naming the Oregon portion to "The Trip of the French Braid" or "French-Braiding Through Oregon" or "The Hottest Hairstyle to Ever Hit Portland". I'm open to other suggestions...

  5. I vote for "The Hottest Hairstyle to Ever Hit Portland".

    I think the french braid needs an entry on its own.. It was that big.

    And I love that we have an audience of 4 (3 people who went on the actual trip + 1 family member of 2 of the people who went on the trip). What was the point of pixelating the picsss?

  6. We pixelate for our imagined audience of predators and silent admirers. LOL

    I'll go with "The Hottest Hairstyle to Ever Hit Portland," C, you write it. I can't write about myself and my classy style without being a completely arrogant ass.

  7. Wow, I want to meet this CD now! Unni, tell him to teach me how to make little furniture models and plan out my apartment too!!

  8. jina unni! you're wrong. my sister has a fan/stalker now. does it count as a stalker if i know him?

  9. He drew out the dimensions of his room and cut out paper models. I totally thought he made dollhouse furniture when I first heard that and was actually pretty impressed.

    haha You'll meet him one day. :)
