Day #5: We're Going On A MISSION

Whoa. Out of commission lately? Yes siree! I got sick on the last few days of my trip and was in poor health for about 1.5 weeks. Then when I was strong enough to handle the world again, I made a poor choice in using Proactiv for my (minor) blemishes and had my sebaceous gland sucked dry and I was left with the most painful, dry face in the entire world. After that was fixed, I had to play catch-up.

And I know L has been busy so I'll just finish out the rest of our trip. You know once you start, you gotta finish. So here I go.... (oh and this is like weeks after so my memory might be a tad rusty)

The day before Day #5, I did some research on what to do the next day. I decided we were going to a SF thrift shop for some goodies and enjoy a nice, SF-esque cafe.

Well Day #5, Lil J had work, so she left with A early in the morning. L & I once again left much later than expected. Well it's kind of expected now.. I believe we trekked out at around 2 PM or so.

We got on the Bart at 19th, and made our way to the Mission stop. Well, eh hem, I made a mistake and we ended up walking to what I thought was the thrift shop, but instead was the coffee shop (Coffee Bar). Having just eaten lunch before we left the apartment, we weren't ready to sit down and eat/drink just yet. And feeling flustered, we decided that finding the thrift shop was our #1 priority.

Well, we basically walked back to where we started and made a left and voila, we found the thrift store. Note, Mission St. was a bit skeevy, but don't fret my pets, go a street down to Valencia, and you'll find yourself safe among the hipsters. Community Thrift Store is where we went and where we spent about 45 minutes. They had a pretty big used books section and that's where L spent most of her time. We found Bill Clinton's Mi Vida in English for $1.75 and other great books for $1-2. I found a Neiman Marcus exclusive fitted blazer for like $4 (don't know where I put it..).. All in all, a fun place. Apparently there is another really great thrift store called Thrift Town nearby, but saving that for another day.

L with her 3 lb. bag of books, we took the Bart (or the Muni?) to Union Square (again) for some more shopping. Ate at the mall's horrible food court, and browsed around. We were growing tired from being out the entire half day and dragging along (heavy) bags of schtuff.

Then back to the apartment....

(wow it's hard to write about what I did 4 weeks ago from memory! but gotta say thanks to my trusty moleskine)

(and I just looked through my external for some pictures from this day, and nada!)

1 comment:

  1. I thought my arm was going to fall off. It was a real damper on our trip.
