Day #6: Going Down South to Santa Cruz..

After 3 years, L finally went back to Santa Cruz to make peace with the town she loved/hated.

About 10 AM-ish, we (lil J, A, L, and meeeee) packed into the little Prius and drove down to Santa Cruz, CA, home of the ferocious banana slugs. After about an hour we made it into downtown Santa Cruz. First thing on the agenda, feed our hungry bellies. After much back-and-forth conversation on the limited choices we had, L decided to take us to Zoccoli's for some Italian deli sub. I remember being asked by someone if I was going to take a picture of our lunch, but I was too hungry to care. So no food pictures. While lil J, A, and I ate, L patiently waited for her friend from Santa Cruz, LZ, who was to meet us for lunch but was running late. After our lunch, we slowly checked out what downtown Santa Cruz had to offer, which includes a fun hat shop, and made our way back to the car.

the drive up to UCSC. trees!!!!!!

We all (including LZ) piled into the car again and prepared ourselves for a tour guided by L of UCSC. Wow. Pretty campus. I've only been once when I tagged along with Lil J and their momma to drop of L as a freshman. But the campus is in the middle of a California forest. So pretty. Drove around every nook of the campus, saw some deers, saw the freshman apartments, saw some girls jogging on the dangerous curvy road, saw all the new developments, listened in on memories from L & LZ... When the campus tour was over, L extended our tour by showing us "L's life in Santa Cruz" tour which included all the houses she lived in, the houses where R & B lived in, where a friend got so drunk ... .. I don't remember, etc.

O-M-G. Two deers on campus!! The only animals I saw at UCI were LOTS of white cotton ball tailed bunnies and owls.

It's really fun to see campus neighborhoods. UCSC campus is so different from Cal which is so different from UCI which is so different from, blah blah blah. UCSC kind of reminded me of summer camp (not that I ever went to one, but I watched Bug Juice back in the days).

L & LZ on the pier, romantically watching the sunset.

Then we all went to the FAMOUS Santa Cruz Boardwalk. We walked around the boardwalk, then the pier, then froze our asses off, then walked back to the warm, sweaty, smelly arcade and played $10 worth of games. Meanwhile, L and LZ sat and caught up on their lives. I believe lil J, A, and I spent about an hour and a half at the arcade. Bleh, I am so over arcades. I thought it would be fun, but maybe my coordination is getting bad. No that can't be it since I'm so good RPG.. It probably freaked me out since I suffer from VERY mild germaphobia. I don't like touching all those knobs and buttons that snotty-nosed kids played with. Anyways, we played our best. I told lil J I would buy her some cheese fries that she was dying for if she did DDR. And not just normal DDR, I wanted her to spin, bend, shimmy, basically get her groove on. She did play DDR, but she didn't do what I told her, so no cheese fries for her.

Lil J, A, and I decided to spend the rest of our tokens on ticket winning games. In the end we ended up with like 50 tickets or so and I had the honor of picking out our prizes. I chose 5 Spongebob Square Pants tattoos, 2 rubber mini snakes, and 1 bug.

Being childish and immature, I decided we should pull a prank on L & LZ who were outside the entire time we were playing in the arcade. We decided to put the bug on lil J's shoulders, cover it with some hair, and have them notice and freak the shit out. Plan did not go as planned. I had to use my awesome acting skills and pulled a "lil J, is that fudge on your shoulder?" to get L & LZ's attention. But that didn't faze them at all. I repeatedly exclaimed that lil J had something like fudge on her shoulder and after saying it for the 3rd time, L finally shifted her eyes to lil J's shoulder and was shocked when she found a bug on her shoulder. You've been punk'd. Loved it. It's so silly and stupid, but that might have been the moment of the day.

Afterwards we went to a mediocre sushi place in Santa Cruz. Had dinner and conversations. Said bye to LZ and made our way back on the windy roads to the Bay Area.

1 comment:

  1. Those bugs were so gay. LOL Hey remember when we did that scavenger hunt in Santa Monica and the mexican guys wouldn't take a picture with us in the photo booth. LOL

    Anyways, it was a story about Becca who was so drunk she fell off her bike and hit the curb with her chin.
